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Human Decency: Is America without it?

I got in an argument with a man who spoke 5 languages… had 2 PHDs about the nature of capitalism in America… He was a brilliant man when it came to his area of expertise… very educated. We spoke about the state of the economics in the nation… he said it’s the greatest it’s ever…

The Issue with Sides: My Guy vs your Guy or Right vs Wrong?

As I argued with a liberal earlier today I realized how they’re not much different than conservatives, I knew this pretty much, they stand in different spots on some cultural issues but in the grand scheme of their rigid nature, their lack of compassion for humanity… they choose to defends “sides” not stand for right…

Fraud: Our Elected Officials & Media

What the hell is wrong with everyone? A man loses 2 elections in a row for the popular vote by a combined 10 million votes and there is actually people arguing he deserves to be in office? Our elected officials that claim “fraud” should be told to resign from office, if you don’t trust the…

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